BGP Commands Cheatsheet: Cisco, Juniper, Alcatel, Huawei Reference Guide bytereign24 November 2020 BGP Commands Cheatsheet: Learn about key differences among Cisco, Juniper, Alcatel, and Huawei vendors with this easy-to-use quick reference guide. CISCOJUNIPERALCATELHUAWEIshow bgpshow route protocol bgpshow router bgp routesdisplay bgp routing-tableshow bgp neighborsshow bgp neighborshow router bgp neighbordisplay bgp peershow bgp summaryshow bgp summaryshow router bgp summarydisplay bgp peershow route bgpshow route protocol bgpshow router bgp routesdisplay ip routing-table protocol bgpshow bgp peer-groupshow bgp groupshow router bgp groupdisplay bgp groupclear bgpclear bgp neighborclear bgpreset bgp all